what is the exception? Please send more details over to support@mininglog.com Idoby Ido - Issue Troubleshooting
The lbml file stores your claim/run/drop data and local claim buffer .. the server stores a copy of your claim data (not runs and drops) so if you loose your file the tool can receover the critical data. If you delete the lbml file and re-start the tool and the tool downloads the claim data and you still cant scan then its not an issue of the buffer Idoby Ido - Issue Troubleshooting
It could but i guess you would also have problems logging in thenby Ido - Issue Troubleshooting
i was quoting the Guide ; ) take this: <add key="PlayerColor_Enm1" value="Cyan" /> <add key="PlayerColor_Enm2" value="DodgerBlue" /> and make it for example: <add key="PlayerColor_Enm1" value="Red" /> <add key="PlayerColor_Enm2" value="Orange" /> Idoby Ido - Improvement Suggestions
I am not sure at the moment how to help you with the local claim buffer issue. I havent figured out what the root cause of failed communication of the tool to the server can be. I will try to fix this as soon as i find some time to work on LBML .. currently working 2 jobs and little time for anything else : ( sorryby Ido - Issue Troubleshooting
Hi Change the values in the config file: PlayerColor_Ore1 ForestGreen Player circle ore color 1 PlayerColor_Ore2 Lime Player circle ore color 2 PlayerColor_Enm1 Cyan Player circle enmatter color 1 PlayerColor_Enm2 DodgerBlue Player circle enmatter color 2 PlayerColor_Tre1 Pink Player circle treasure color 1 PlayerColor_Tre2 HotPink Player circle treasure color 2 Idoby Ido - Improvement Suggestions
Hi Thanks for posting these Im sure the community will enjoy it! Idoby Ido - Improvement Suggestions
the radar window must be X by Y pixels .. at different resolutions it will take different amount of screen real estate but it should work fineby Ido - Issue Troubleshooting
they cahnged teh maximum radar size so its bigger now .. there is only 1 setting currently that works somewhere in the middle hard to find : (by Ido - Mining discussions
Hi, the outlined circle is your drop radius .. you can treat it as a player marker ..by Ido - Mining discussions
its ok to use the tool with error 2 if you play in windowed mode or in full screen if your gamma brightness and contrast are set to default. error 1 is because the tool wasnt able to use the built in windows api to extract the zip file. Sorry for the confusion and i hope you will enjoy the tool Idoby Ido - Bug Reports
im working on a new map solution that should take care of all the 800 errors Try and see if some of the postet suggestions from other users regarding the 8xx issues might help you Idoby Ido - Issue Troubleshooting
failure to retrieve the certificate happens when the tool can't reach the web server. As for write permissions .. well i can't help .. have you tried running in another drive location? Maybe some security software is blocking it ? Idoby Ido - Issue Troubleshooting
yes i got that the first time .. i am working on fixing the 8xx errors in general Sorry for taking long but life is very busyby Ido - Issue Troubleshooting
Sorry i haven't replied to your e-mail yet.. what planet are you on?by Ido - Issue Troubleshooting
Hi, i have uploded the 9.3.0 to dropbox for you i hope the pathes will download fine with the automatic updater .. if not i can upload those to dropbox for you tooby Ido - Issue Troubleshooting
isw it possible you have some scanning antivirus defender etc program that might do something ot the zip? i know avast has an issue with the encryption tools i use to protect the executable and is flaging the file as generic threatby Ido - Issue Troubleshooting
i can drop it in your dropbox my username is idosunrider@op.pl in any case its strange you are hving issues with the site .. be warned these issues might also affect you tool performance as it interacts with the site too. Where are you from? for me the 43.2 mb dl takes less than 1 minby Ido - Issue Troubleshooting
Hi, I use 7 zip but the zip format you should be able to open it even with windows explorer (using rightclick explore or open folder) and just copy paste the files from inside the zip to a new directory Im not sure where the problem comes from but the archive is correct.. its a big download due to the maps ~50Mbby Ido - Issue Troubleshooting
i will have to investigate the map issue you reported : ) happy you found a fix as for AA i think you can use the ingame AA .. just not the system-wide screen AA some people used throught their GFX card tools which distorts the game imageby Ido - Issue Troubleshooting
Correct .. but i havent figured out a good way to sort out what size the radar is and how to find locate it with the screenshot due to it's variable size .. I will think of something .. till then you can try this solution:by Ido - Bug Reports
thanks i will investigate : )by Ido - Issue Troubleshooting
claim buffer was introduced to overcome lag when uploading claim deeds to the LBML server.. the tool buffers them and sends them over a ta later point in time .. the limit on this buffer is quite large 5000 claims .. "Local claim buffer is full you must allow for server synchronization before collecting more claims." i believe i made a bug and there are two cases that will returnby Ido - Issue Troubleshooting
This seems to be an issue with your file system. maybe try to move the tool to a different location like documents/desktop on the C drive or a different drive .. Idoby Ido - Issue Troubleshooting
try running it without entropia and other Direct X applications I am working on a new map implementation to fix all the issues the current map has Idoby Ido - Bug Reports
Hi first off all try setting your settings to medium. LBML doesn't work if your gfx quality is low. also the screenshot you sent me of windowed mode shows the screen is black .. try enabling desktop composition to fix it for windowed mode for full screen the image is jpg for me to deduce why its not working i must see a screenshot in PNG. Idoby Ido - Issue Troubleshooting
QuoteRené Jaguras Tintifax This is a great Idea and i will Support it! But i also DO hope you fix the Problems with the Map (mentioned in the other Thread in here) soon, cause it poses a not critical but annoying Problem with all these 8xx. Will also donate a bit later on. Hope i can help. Jag Thank you for your generous donation, Its great and it indeed brings up my motivation ! I willby Ido - Planned Features
Hi Based on the screenshot i'm unable to offer any assistance, you are the first to report this issue too.. unless you are running an old version (but then you mentioned you re-downloaded so i hope you are running version 9.3.2) the screenshot shows the updater is failing which is even more strange since it hasn't changed in quite a while, Maybe try running it as administrator and makeby Ido - Bug Reports
You can also use "drop" filters to set the last X hours of drops to be shown or to filter out specific runs etc..by Ido - Mining discussions