QuoteSven Melbus Christensen Gratz to the Winner ! Seems that map has some problems with Google Chrome....i'm using Version 24.0.1312.27 beta-m Seems to work fine with Version 23.0.1271.95 m which chrome says its up to date... maybe something in the beta version Idoby Ido - Announcements
Congratulation Miners! You managed an Amazing feat, together we collected One Million Claims with an estimated value of 8,500,000 PED. And all this in less than 2 years time since the public beta started. Congratulations to: Garchak TICOOL Archlor For the lucky 1,000,000th claim: Resource: Typonolic Steam Depth: 527m Size: 3 Very Poor Planet: Calypso To celebrate this fact I hby Ido - Announcements
QuoteRahel Werdi Werdon Hey, I'm a C++ software engineer and have worked (although not excessively) with DirectX. I'd like to help. Great PM with contact request sent! : ) I appreciate all the help i can get. Idoby Ido - Planned Features
I think i miss read .. starting a web server on the machine where LBML is running on might do the trick if its running on local network yeah ... not sure how to go about it tho would the user need to have IIS installed or apache ? Idoby Ido - Improvement Suggestions
QuoteRahel Werdi Werdon While I of course would love to see an Android App for that kind of feature, I agree that it's quite hard to do, especially with the many different devices out there. There is, however, a pretty simple way to do at least the second best thing: You could start a webserver on the machine running LBML and just display a self-refreshing picture of the map as seen in the map wby Ido - Improvement Suggestions
Its possible to do but hard to implement .. a lot of data has to be communicated and i would have to design the display engines specifically for the devices ... Unless someone strongly funds this feature i don't think its something i will attempt. Sorry Best Regards Ido Sunriderby Ido - Improvement Suggestions
Hi Everyone, I'm posting to let you know what I'm currently working on. In the I added a system for collecting the error codes so i can better understand the key problems occurring for you guys. Because I have been hearing a lot about different issues but i don't get too many error submissions via e-mail i thought this would be a good way to investigate. Initial results are in aby Ido - Planned Features
Hi, I have prepared a new guide for the new version. I would be very interested in hearing an opinion from your perspective. Does it explain everything well ? or should i add some info or clarify certain sections? Looking forward to your input Best Regards Ido Sunriderby Ido - Improvement Suggestions
In this mini patch: - A new error handling system. When an error happens the system will no longer popup a message box Instead it will add the error to the new ErrorWindows list. If multiple errors appear after each other the user will no longer be heavily spammed the errors will all end up in the window list You can click on the error to see its details. Errors will also be saved to filby Ido - Release Notes
In this mini patch: - added features for automatic zooming settings for default zoom level in the settings file as well as a checkbox if the map should zoom when you press P - a fix for the time left for claim to expire recognition when there are days present in the value.by Ido - Release Notes
Waiting for your update... Idoby Ido - Bug Reports
This issue is fixed in patch Ido - LBML fixed in
Also regarding pt 2: please take a look at the guide and apply section 1.1by Ido - Bug Reports
Are you sure its the 302 that occurs when you enable the feature? Can you send me a screenshot in png format of your game window just before the crash (support@mininglog.com). Best Regards Ido Sunriderby Ido - Bug Reports
It took me some time to roll out but I'm very proud of it. And I'm happy you love it! I do too. Best Regards Ido Sunriderby Ido - Mining discussions
This issue was fixed in release Ido - LBML fixed in
The error you posted is related to server communication and not automatic positioning. How often does this happen?by Ido - Bug Reports
This is actually not a bug .. but a feature .. You want to be able to scan whatever you find.. And if you are summoning its best to close the claim if you have auto detection enabled so you don't scan the claim twice by accident If you are concerned about rankings and points, the server back end has a mechanism for detecting summons we will store them but we will not award points for this typeby Ido - Issue Troubleshooting
I will move this to the bug section and fix the zoom issue in a mini patch ... sorry for the inconvenience Best Regards Ido Sunriderby Ido - LBML fixed in
Thank you for reporting : ) its fixed nowby Ido - Website
Hi Disable the spinning shit = sheet it should not be visible for the claim scanning to work .. you can do that with a box icon on the lower left menu of the deed window .. press the arrow twice down to find it Once the object is disabled you must also have the deed window in focus for it to scan .. it is automatically in focus once you open the deed window Also the deed window must beby Ido - Issue Troubleshooting
Does this issue still occur in the new version ? Best Regards Ido Sunriderby Ido - Bug Reports
This issue should now be fixed : )by Ido - LBML fixed in
The zoom function should center on your marker when you press P and zoom in to a specific zoom level.. if you move the map away the map will stop following your player and stay at the given position. I'm happy you like the new release, I'm sure however there are plenty of issues that will pop up with it and i will try to fix them asap : ) Best Regards Ido Sunriderby Ido - Ask the dev
- The tool will automatically track your position - The tool will automatically detect you making drops - The tool will automatically scan your claim deeds and update unknowns - Treasure hunting for arkadia added - Cyrene planet added - Fix for new claim deed layout - Fix for OCR memory leaks, with new tessa local server processes - Fix for claim saving delay, claims stored localy then synby Ido - Release Notes
All i can say for now is I'm still working on it and I'm trying my best to get it out as soon as i can... Unfortunately I'm overwhelmed with work at my new job so i don't have much free time.. Best Regards Ido Sunriderby Ido - LBML fixed in
The DDS files contain the graphics for the claim markers player marker etc .. changing those will not solve the issue.. but you can mod the way your LBML presents the data ;D MA changes the way the text of the claim deed is laid out so i need to modify program image interpreting logic to solve the issue.. Actually i solve that already but to make a release i still need to close some outstanby Ido - Ask the dev
Hi, The next release will fix the issue with claim logging, hang tight! As for the settings-ce.cfg if you know the location of this file on your PC you can specify its location in the littlebigmininglog.exe.config file Best Regards Ido Sunriderby Ido - Issue Troubleshooting
QuoteRazvan Cash Soranescu I look forward to your update. As you are updating all the line codes, how about open source code for the old LBML? There is no plan for this at the moment. Best Regards Ido Sunriderby Ido - Announcements
I am aware of the issue and will try to fix ASAP however I'm currently on a business trip please expect at least 1 week downtime Best Regards Ido Sunriderby Ido - LBML fixed in