Loving the new stability. could it be possibe to program the mouse right click funtion on the map to add a pin marker if hoverd over one can keep track of note to self? Thanks in advance, you guys Always solve it....by Piros Baron Deluxe - Wish List
You are truly fast, thanks again.by Piros Baron Deluxe - Wish List
Greetings, I have been testing out this useful program for about a week now, it has proved very useful in keeping track of many things. One thing i would like to request would be a separate hit rate counter for enmat, ores and treasures as we can now mine them with the same finder for a few years now. I do not know how feasible it would be to program it, but it would be greatly appreciated bby Piros Baron Deluxe - Wish List
I would be curious too, me and a friend share map data back and forth, even though we use different tools, we do not hit in the same area after the other has checked it, it could be tool related, however, we have also tried to same finders. usually same result. poor success. About the only tip to offer that helped the other was hit rate in a certain area. higher hit rate usually meant the zone waby Piros Baron Deluxe - Wish List