Hi, i too fully agree with what you said in your message. In fact when i first gave a look at LBML it's the way i thought it worked thenby Sven Melbus Christensen - Planned Features
Gratz to the Winner ! Seems that map has some problems with Google Chrome....i'm using Version 24.0.1312.27 beta-mby Sven Melbus Christensen - Announcements
Hi Ido, Any update about next LBML version ?by Sven Melbus Christensen - LBML fixed in
Yes it should be interesting to see it. I don't filter by date. I love to see all these colored dots but i'd want to know how old my last find of a particuliar resources is. so beeing able to read it on info window claim by claim would be very usefull. In fact you could think about writing this info not in absolute date but in relative from today (yes i'm lazy and don't want to do the mathby Sven Melbus Christensen - Improvement Suggestions
Hi, back to EU after a month out and back to mining QuoteIdo Very nice idea. And the enhancers i think could be removed based on chat messages ? I think its hardly possible, except if you knwow from start how much of each enhancers you have on each stacks, which we should avoid QuoteIdo Is there a difference if you use a level 4 enhancer or a lvl1 ? or are they just slots and eby Sven Melbus Christensen - Wish List
yes, same here. seems position is now 2 lines instead of one peviously! what a shame, how can we mine without LBML !!by Sven Melbus Christensen - LBML fixed in
Hi, Would it be possible you add the time of claims finding on the balloon near depth and claim size so we can see when those claims were found ? And in future (see my post about finder tracking in wish list section) you could perhaps add the finder info, it would be very very usefull i guess Thx.by Sven Melbus Christensen - Improvement Suggestions
Hi, I'd like to be able to trace which finder setup i used when doing my mining runs. I sometime switch from one finder to others with various amp (or not..) and i'd want to trace this info into my mining session history. I think it would be a great adition to LBML features I include a small example of how application should look, a small picture says way more than words You'll seby Sven Melbus Christensen - Wish List
Hi, Do you accept In Game Donation or just IRL ones ?by Sven Melbus Christensen - Ask the dev
definitly this post should be deleted.. i just clicked on 'Use Entropia Tracker Rank on Signature' on settings windows and now my infos are up to date! Svenby Sven Melbus Christensen - Website
Sorry, No sandbox forum and no way to delete my post.. BTW, seems that stats are not up to date !by Sven Melbus Christensen - Website
You should make it an option so we can still rescan deed and get points if not extracted on one extractors use Svenby Sven Melbus Christensen - Improvement Suggestions
Hi, Would be cool if "Unknown windows" don't disapear if i hit 'Rescan' by mistake (and if the scan fail) so i can click on 'Save' instead. One this windows disapear we can't enter the claim anymore Sven.by Sven Melbus Christensen - Improvement Suggestions
That's Nice ! Svenby Sven Melbus Christensen - LBML fixed in
I thought about Web site map Svenby Sven Melbus Christensen - Improvement Suggestions
hi, I'd like to have a timestamp on screenshot filename so identical claim size of same ore won't overwrite each others. Sven.by Sven Melbus Christensen - LBML fixed in
Hi, On the map, could it be possible you add the number of claims found (total or by resource) in each square ? Perhaps we could have info about last xx days. Svenby Sven Melbus Christensen - Improvement Suggestions
Nice !! Can't wait to see this new update ! Sven.by Sven Melbus Christensen - Announcements