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Run window not working

Posted by UNKNOWN75 
Run window not working
April 19, 2021 08:44PM
Hi there,

For some reason today, the Run window stopped working and isn't coming up on screen. Any ideas on how to fix this problem?

John Ystianus
Re: Run window not working
April 20, 2021 07:51AM
So basically if you click the run button, the next window doesn't pop up at all?

Does it show up in your taskbar when you highlight LBML (e.g. like the subwindows for the main UI, map, etc.). One issue I ran into awhile ago of my own doing was switching to a single monitor for a bit, but a few windows that used to be on my 2nd monitor didn't move over to the first. I'd check that the window just isn't hiding somewhere offscreen first.
Re: Run window not working
April 20, 2021 07:38PM
Thank you for your suggestions! It was kind of showing up, but as an empty window and not popping up.

I solved this by reinstalling LBML.
Re: Run window not working
April 25, 2021 04:14AM
the configuration file carries the "save" state of all windows position sizes etc..
might be usefull to see what it says:

for me its:
<add key="Window_Position_Main" value="88|258|300|225|Normal|Show" />
<add key="Window_Position_Map" value="41|807|481|457|Normal|Show" />
<add key="Window_Position_Filters" value="423|258|307|534|Normal|Show" />
<add key="Window_Position_Runs" value="735|1022|264|433|Normal|Hide" />
<add key="Window_Position_Stats" value="0|0|587|391|Normal|Hide" />
<add key="Window_Position_Settings" value="104|104|324|526|Normal|Hide" />

x y width height window state and if it should be loaded with the program at startup
If you close the program it should save the state of your windows to the config file.
