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Some Vid Stuff that might help down the road

Some Vid Stuff that might help down the road
April 07, 2014 06:14AM
Hello Everyone:
Just a few notes I want to share after fighting with the program for a bit to get it working correctly.
This may be issues with my setup as well, but posting them in case it might be able to help someone else.

For movement following:
The program will support multiple monitors but I have found that BOTH have to be set at the same resolution or it will not read correctly. Multi Monitors helps a ton when you can have a map on one and the EU screen on another.

The program seems to have issues with multiple video cards. Even if both monitors are set to same resolution, if they are on different cards, I found that with my GTX 570's, it didnt read correctly. I had to put both monitors on one card, at same res to get it to work.

Once you have this set up, then you can use the tool that was implemented in the last updates to monitor the radar to see when it is 'seeing' your screen for movement. Id recommend going to one of the bases with a decent stretch of flat terrain and set auto walk/run on and let your avatar walk in auto mode while you slowly move the size of the radar screen until it hooks and starts reading.

One final note. Once you DO get it working, move the radar screen up on something, against something, ... to set a size reference for it, and then take a screen shot of this. This way if something happens and you have to reset / reinstall, you have a very good gauge to look at for what is 'correct' for your specific setup.

Hope this helps.