03/01/2015 Mini Patch v1.0.1.1
January 04, 2015 01:19AM
Force overwrite of the config file

The config file will be forcefully replaced with a default one. To restore your settings if your program was working fine rename LittleBigMiningLog.exe.config.backup.forceoverwrite to LittleBigMiningLog.exe.config

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/04/2015 01:20AM by Ido.
Re: 03/01/2015 Mini Patch v1.0.1.1
January 04, 2015 03:12AM
Seems the "drop_shrinktoclaim" function is not in the config file now, is this on purpose?

Can I just add the value from an old config?
I like the new config layout; easy to read.

Re: 03/01/2015 Mini Patch v1.0.1.1
January 04, 2015 04:08PM
Drop_ShrinkToClaim - when you close the program the first time it should appear in the config file

Re: 03/01/2015 Mini Patch v1.0.1.1
January 05, 2015 03:00AM
Okay, great. I see that it did.

Config isn't split into nice sections anymore though.
Not like I edited the config a lot though.

Thanks for everything.
Re: 03/01/2015 Mini Patch v1.0.1.1
January 05, 2015 05:15AM
Yeah once it overwrites it, it doesn't place in the comments I haven't bothered to figure out why : )