Unknown not showing correctly.
June 15, 2014 12:21AM
If you get an unknown claim, it will draw the circle and the line to where it is but will not put the little 'dot' for you to edit later. There is no claim there. Now if you dig once and the claim still exists you can re read it and it will fill it in with what it was but if it was a small claim and your dig got it all, there is no way for you to manually put in what was there anymore, the dot to edit is not there.

Thank you

Re: Unknown not showing correctly.
June 16, 2014 02:53PM
by any chance do you have the unknown claim type disabled in filters?

Re: Unknown not showing correctly.
June 19, 2014 05:52AM
In type it was not but in size it was. Have NO clue how it got switched. Ill see what that does next time I run it.
Wow, I feel like a dumbass now grinning smiley

Hopefully that is all it was. If so, I apologize profusely for my ignorance.


Re: Unknown not showing correctly.
June 19, 2014 05:25PM
No worries : )

I hope this was it .. if you encounter any more strange behaviour please let me know : )