Detect drops no longer working
May 01, 2014 08:45AM
Slightly different than the recent topic where claims are detected, but in order for a drop to show up on my map, I need to manually press F11. I run Entropia in windowed mode and tried the radar resize. I haven't been mining for a couple months, so I can't say when this would have first been an issue, but if the detect drops feature wasn't working, I normally just needed to restart LBML and it would start working again. Any ideas?
Re: Detect drops no longer working
May 01, 2014 03:27PM
does the debug text on the map says finder 0% ?

Use that as a guide to see if the tool can see the finder interface or not.. it has to see it in order to detect drops.


Re: Detect drops no longer working
May 02, 2014 09:09AM
Thanks, that worked out. I didn't noticed that part of the debug before.