Error #1006 whyle trying to update
June 11, 2013 05:22PM
Really hard to get it work properly:

Fresh Win XP SP3 with .Net 4, tool doesn't work at all, downgraded to .Net 3.5 and now LBML works.

When launch the updater get the attached error message with the following log:

6/11/2013 9:59:44 AM
App version:
Error Code: 1006

System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast COM object of type 'Shell32.ShellClass' to interface type 'Shell32.IShellDispatch5'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{866738B9-6CF2-4DE8-8767-F794EBE74F4E}' failed due to the following error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)).
at Shell32.ShellClass.NameSpace(Object vDir)
at ( , String , String )

After I press OK and say that don't want to update I see the error2 message and after that I can log in LBML v9.3.0 and used it ingame.

While to tool was trying to update downloaded some files and I tried to manually replace the Interop.Shell32.dll file but nothing changed.(so reverted back to original)
Then I manually replaced the LittleBigMiningLog.exe and LittleBigMiningLog.exe.config files from update folder and when launch LBML have again error2 as attached, but if I press ok I can log and use the tool and can see in the help section theversion now is v9.3.2.

Is this ok to use it like this with this error or any hint how to fix it?
Does the tool have any limitation with this error?
open | download - error.JPG (26.8 KB)
open | download - error2.JPG (15.9 KB)
Re: Error #1006 whyle trying to update
June 11, 2013 07:01PM
its ok to use the tool with error 2 if you play in windowed mode
or in full screen if your gamma brightness and contrast are set to default.

error 1 is because the tool wasnt able to use the built in windows api to extract the zip file.

Sorry for the confusion and i hope you will enjoy the tool


Re: Error #1006 whyle trying to update
September 16, 2013 06:47PM
Hey, so is it possible somehow to update the tool having #1006 error in win XP? cause I have the same sad smiley
