Map scanning rings and marker Not Working
January 22, 2017 04:28PM
When I go to scan I find that the map is not showing the scan rings and the marker for the claim is not showing up on the map.
Re: Map scanning rings and marker Not Working
January 22, 2017 05:34PM
is your position tracked correctly ?

Does it work properly when you use the GUI buttons?

Re: Map scanning rings and marker Not Working
January 23, 2017 02:35AM
i'll retry downloading it and running it again and doing the setup see if that fix's it. But I rewatched everything to make sure I was doing it right.
Re: Map scanning rings and marker Not Working
January 23, 2017 06:17AM
so we went through it in game and it turned out to be filters that where enabled for "date" correct?


Re: Map scanning rings and marker Not Working
February 01, 2017 07:22AM
Yes it was the filters for the Coordinates. if they were checked on for Claims and Drops nothing would show. sorry for later reply back.