Local claim buffer is full
December 28, 2014 11:42PM
I keep getting the error message that the "local claim buffer is full".

I've uninstalled LBML twice and reinstalled with the latest version... Still getting the error message. Please help, I really like this tool.

Re: Local claim buffer is full
December 28, 2014 11:53PM
Seems like there is an issue with the tool communicating to the server.. the local buffer is i think 5000 claims wide on the map there is a debug line displaying the buffer content .. if the number is only going up it seems there is an issue with the client server communication.

Let me know what the number is at.


Re: Local claim buffer is full
December 29, 2014 12:16AM
I tested LBML and it works fine for me maybe your ISP is appending some data to your incoming html communication?

Re: Local claim buffer is full
December 29, 2014 04:05AM
Here's what the map shows:

Radar: 0%
Scanner: 0%
Server: 100%
Buffer: 0

Screenshot 0ms
Radar 0ms
Claim 0ms
Total 10ms

note: I've re-installed LBML fresh 2 times and I still get the error every time. The tool was working fine for me and then it started giving me this error and now it gives the error every time. Also, something else is weird with my account. I donated some money a month ago (because I think your tool is awesome) and I thought I was suppose to get store points with a donation. My store points still show 0. So maybe my account needs to be reset?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/29/2014 04:28AM by Iono Io Onoi.
Re: Local claim buffer is full
December 29, 2014 04:45AM
I checked the code base there are 2 reasons you might be getting this error:

1) the program is unable to lock a new id for the claim you scanned and place it on the buffer queue (apparently not the case if your Buffer reads 0 .. it always reads 5000-avaliable queue slots .. so that means there are 5000 available queue slots)

2) the program throws a 710 exception .. please check your error folder and send me the 710 exception file here or at support@mininglog.com ..

Of course case #2 should not read as buffer full error (its a bug) i changed this now and it should read as unknown error in the next update.

Re: Local claim buffer is full
December 29, 2014 04:46AM
regarding your donation maybe you didn't fill out the username in the donate page.. please e-mail me with details about this at support@mininglog.com and i will credit your account with points : )


Re: Local claim buffer is full
December 29, 2014 07:17AM
I don't see an error folder under the LBMLv0.9.6.0 folder. Is there somewhere else I should look?
Re: Local claim buffer is full
December 29, 2014 08:15AM
Does by any chance an error log window (tool specific error list view) appear when you try to scan a claim deed?

Re: Local claim buffer is full
December 29, 2014 09:09AM
no error log window appears.. This message appears in the main window... "Local claim buffer is full you must allow for server synchronization before collecting more claims". The tools voice synthesizer says the same thing.
Re: Local claim buffer is full
December 29, 2014 03:36PM
Just to be sure .. from the downloads page did you install .net framework and Direct X ?

Re: Local claim buffer is full
December 29, 2014 11:24PM
Yes, they were both previously installed. I reinstalled both again just to make sure... Still getting the error.
Re: Local claim buffer is full
December 29, 2014 11:58PM
That's strange I will release a new update in a few days that will help us debug this issue ok? please be patient

Re: Local claim buffer is full
December 30, 2014 07:30AM
One thing you try is to login as me on your machine... that might help with debug. Let me know if you want to try and I'll send you my password.

Re: Local claim buffer is full
December 30, 2014 02:08PM
Better yet. [www.mininglog.com] visit the page request a password change and forward me the mail with the password change link to support@mininglog.com

I will modify the password to a temp one and try the tool on my PC for debug .. then once i'm done you can request a password change again and set it to what it was before.


Re: Local claim buffer is full
December 31, 2014 01:30AM
email sent
Re: Local claim buffer is full
January 03, 2015 10:32AM
With the new update, I now get a different error.

"Unknown error when trying to process claim deed"

Any ideas?
Re: Local claim buffer is full
January 03, 2015 01:35PM
Send me the error png of the claim deed scanning attempt to support@mininglog.com