I've tried few versions so far, but on the beginning there was 4.5.2 installed on this machine. Also tried to check both checkboxes, but it generates some error with message that, not every changes have been applied.by Justin MADSTORM Teespoon - Issue Troubleshooting
Hey, on one of the machines I cannot start app because of the .NET, it is 64bit WIN7, screen attached in below link: I've tried repair it, reinstall, install different versions, but it didn't help.by Justin MADSTORM Teespoon - Issue Troubleshooting
To keep hit ratio true, you just need to set manual drops.by Justin MADSTORM Teespoon - Bug Reports
Revival zones and land areas on the map would be great feature!by Justin MADSTORM Teespoon - Wish List
Gratz! This day was also a special day for meby Justin MADSTORM Teespoon - Announcements
There is many theories about it, so nothing sure I can say. I do believe that 24hours is the normal respawn time , but it might depends on the location (for example FOMA/HELL less) as well as other miniers who do their job in this area (if there is connection between all players mining in certain area?). Simple method is to do own test, which will be pretty simple with LBML. Pick up the area andby Justin MADSTORM Teespoon - Mining discussions
In this shape you described it here I agree with you Great idea!by Justin MADSTORM Teespoon - Planned Features