I bought the server years ago, was called EX40 - but seems they upgraded to SSD on I only used their VPS servers for about 4 months, havn't been down once either. But the dedicated server is awesome, never had any problems with it.by Caroline Carr Barlan - Bug Reports
Yeah it's not easy to rely on those, but my server is at Hetzner, uptime on the server has been 100% for 600 days now. So until now hetzner has been really great and cheap.by Caroline Carr Barlan - Bug Reports
I do have a private dedicated server you can use freely for this, if you want. 100G line / 32gb ram.by Caroline Carr Barlan - Bug Reports
Little program i made myself, scanning trades automaticallyby Caroline Carr Barlan - Wish List
Is it possible to feed images to the tessa server process that's running and it would translate it? Or how does this work if I may ask.by Caroline Carr Barlan - Ask the dev
QuoteIdo cool does it solve the issues you are facing with radar and claims? I tried restart everything, the tessact server files were running, but it was not working. Then i uninstalled MY version of Tesseract-OCR, restarted lbml and it worked right after i did Settings -> Auto -> capture ... Great thanks for the help! Awesome program you built. I created a few OCR scripts so i knoby Caroline Carr Barlan - Bug Reports
QuoteIdo Hi, something strange is going on.. it should be working perfectly with what you are showing me. Ont thing it might be is your OCR files are broken .. or the OCR processes are blocked. Look for these 3 on your process list: LbmlTessaServer.exe LbmlTessaServer.exe LittleBigMiningLog.exe and check the files in this folder: \LBML\tessdata eng.DangAmbigs eng.freq-dawg engby Caroline Carr Barlan - Bug Reports
QuoteIdo Hi, So the radar seems to be detected fine but the text recognition fails. First, can you try with the radar at maximum size and on a dark background to test if text recognition will work? regarding claim deeds do you have the claim deed object rotating behind the text? Best Regards Ido I tried to find a dark spot (look at the images) and make the radar as big as possible.by Caroline Carr Barlan - Bug Reports
What doesn't work: 1) The radar is not working for me. I've followed all directions in the guide. What works is, if I press P, i centers me on the map. I've tried all kinds of positions, sizes. File -> Settings -> Auto, capture sample shows me the Lon: xxxx Lat: xxxx fine. I put the radar in left top corner, clicked the white arrow tip and its capturing the position fine. The red lineby Caroline Carr Barlan - Bug Reports