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Sticky note function on map

Posted by Piros Baron Deluxe 
Sticky note function on map
March 07, 2015 05:27AM
Loving the new stability. could it be possibe to program the mouse right click funtion on the map to add a pin marker if hoverd over one can keep track of note to self?
Thanks in advance, you guys Always solve it....
Re: Sticky note function on map
March 07, 2015 09:17AM
It's just me : ) but Its great to hear you are appreciating my efforts ; )

Adding a pin with a note .. we might do this when doing the custom drawing on map thing .. its coming its next in line for development i just didn't have much time this Q1 unfortunately to work on LBML.

I'll do my best to improve as soon as i'm done with the Work projects.

Best Regards