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Hex Grid

Posted by Teora Donte Schaub 
Hex Grid
October 06, 2014 10:18PM
just a idea about ..

possible to add short keys to the option fullcover (deploy) and no overlap (deploy)? or even for the change of resource ?

sometime i change the mode so i can use only short keys to be faster .

realy nice idea your Hex Grid

Re: Hex Grid
October 07, 2014 02:47AM
do you use different finders for different resource types (ore enm tre)?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/07/2014 02:48AM by Ido.
Re: Hex Grid
October 07, 2014 06:57AM
do you use different finders for different resource types (ore enm tre)?

i use mostly terramaster 4 and 5 for both ressource .. for treasure im full skilled for f105 and terramaster 3

but in same run i use only one finder !

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/07/2014 06:58AM by Teora Donte Schaub.
Re: Hex Grid
October 10, 2014 09:50AM
i made a donation and i didn't get my points to get the hex grid how do i claim my points to get the grid
Re: Hex Grid
October 10, 2014 06:36PM
You must have not entered your lbml login email in the donation page (the page that follows should warn you about this) Anyway i have corrected this manually please confirm you have now access to the points?

Re: Hex Grid
November 02, 2014 07:20PM
Observation / Idea

hi Ido,

the short key for 'Deploy' would be nice future, i jump a lot around in my runs, each place i like to readjust my Grid ,-)

the numbers, witch indique, how far each side to go - Adj the numbers of the direction, in the tool, of your Avatar, ingame (if possible). the direction your avatar is looking the numbers are showed on lbml map .

is it possible to change color of the numbers ?

thank you very much for your nice work !

THE GRID can realy help to understand, how to drop to cover your area!

Re: Hex Grid
November 03, 2014 12:55AM
key bind for deploy grid will be included in the next update .. the color choosing possibly in v1.0 .. for the orientation of the avatar it can be pretty hard. I could maybe orient them in the direction you are running in based on last 2 measurement interpolation .. but not purely on rotation based on radar sampling.

Will see about it..


Re: Hex Grid
November 03, 2014 01:33AM
cool ,-)

just a other idea .. for the keybindings..

im a mouse user in EU .. so if possible to get a window that i can put in front of other app. like the map so i can hit the keyB. with my mouse ??

Re: Hex Grid
November 13, 2014 08:02AM
pls, Mr. Ido

question about the option (Hex grid) "ore" "enmatter " treasure"

possible to explaine me, please, what is this for ?



Re: Hex Grid
November 13, 2014 08:58AM
just got a dilirius IDEA!

would it be possible to safe your grid for each run. (or just export the grid position when you like )?

then when you had a nice Grid run ! re-import it on the new run ? (you wana re-try the same grid, to analyse, if the grid can help to see, if it is about the grid position, to get more very good runs? )


happy day to you


Re: Hex Grid
November 13, 2014 01:29PM
Yes I can tie the grid to runs it shouldn't be a big problem.

As for ore enm tre it selects which radius to deploy the grid from (since each of these can have a different one.

Re: Hex Grid
November 13, 2014 10:55PM
Yes I can tie the grid to runs it shouldn't be a big problem.

As for ore enm tre it selects which radius to deploy the grid from (since each of these can have a different one.

ty for the info

i see ,-)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/14/2014 08:18AM by Teora Donte Schaub.
Re: Hex Grid
November 18, 2014 11:07AM
What i realy love with the Hex Grid ! (No overlap)

to visualize

when i wana make a circle (oasis) drop, around a claim


when i wana make a line mining, i see for ex: in middle i have no hits and right and left i have hits ..


when you make the map full screen you can try to finde a "shema" how claims are placed ,-) (after your runs)

(i did (tryed) this all allready with out.. but now is more precis)

i make printscree from run with Hex grid and then i overlay in Photoshop, different runs in same area and try to finde a shema,.-)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/18/2014 11:10AM by Teora Donte Schaub.