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Custom drawing on the map

Posted by Ido 
Custom drawing on the map
October 29, 2014 01:41AM
So i see a lot of interest from players recently regarding drawing on the map.

The features might reach enough funding for me to implement them soon. So i'm making this thread to ask what exactly you guys expect to see in this feature.

I'm thinking of making this a vector type editor with lines and circles .. and text labels.

Drawing lines by clicking two points, by entering exact coordinates, precise angles, circles by clicking or entering dimensions. Text labels on click location ..

I don't expect any more complex shapes are required but correct me if i'm wrong.

I believe this feature to be required for testing out wild mining theories etc.

If you would like something more please post ideas below.

If you would like to donate to fund this project please choose one of these two options when making a donation
- Custom tags on map allowing to place any text label on the map.
- Custom checkmarks on map - drawable map


Re: Custom drawing on the map
October 29, 2014 02:04AM
What i want is to be able to draw a circle from each claim center with a certain radius, preferably without having to click something. Ie i get a claim and then a circle is drawn in the range i specified. It should perhaps also be able to be for a set amount of "last" claims for example the last 3-4 claims or something.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/29/2014 02:06AM by Iam Flatline Legion.
Re: Custom drawing on the map
October 29, 2014 02:25AM
sounds good so maybe claim related drawing ..

- circle around claim (with X last claims limit)
- line from claim to previous claim (with X last limit) claims of the same group (ore enm tre) or of the same type (azz,lyst, iron) .. with limit on claims or infinite

any more ideas?

Re: Custom drawing on the map
October 29, 2014 05:06PM
Another thing that you just sort of mentioned.

Say you get a claim, and then a new one draw a line from those but also be able to extend it a bit further by x meters. Or make it together with my other suggestion, just draw a line from the claim in the circle as i mentioned before ie show the radius but also extend it a bit more if one wants.

I'll make an image later on how i mean and upload it here.. at work atm ;D

Also donated another $20 winking smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/29/2014 05:07PM by Iam Flatline Legion.
Re: Custom drawing on the map
October 29, 2014 10:28PM
ok so a line with a range of meters 0-infinity past either end of the 2 neighboring claims of the same type or of the same resource. can do that : )

Re: Custom drawing on the map
October 29, 2014 11:28PM
something like this perhaps.

Sorry for crappy drawingskills ;D Red dot is a claim "pole"