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Need help resetting the circles around my claims

Posted by Minnie Kat Katryn 
Need help resetting the circles around my claims
November 17, 2021 04:39AM

Maybe someone can help me with some advice.

I've pressed multiple times on ORE/ENM/TRE buttons and now where I mined and have claimes, I cannot see the map properly from all the colors.

How do I reset this?

See attached picture.
open | download - issue with map.png (415.9 KB)
Re: Need help resetting the circles around my claims
November 18, 2021 06:23AM
you can undo the drop, and maybe try setting the finder radius correctly it seems way too big.
if you want to get rid of them forever you can remove all your runs by deleting the lbml file (which is your local data base) the claims that were uploaded to the server will be re-downloaded.. if you want to keep the runs you can try filtering out the one you made the big drops on.

Re: Need help resetting the circles around my claims
November 22, 2021 09:25PM
Hey, thanks for the advice. In the end I had to uninstall and reinstall a fresh batch as the weird colors and big radios appeared for all drops not just the last one. For some reason the radius shown on the map became that big due to me pushing the buttons.

In case anyone else happens to have this problem, just reinstall. smiling smiley

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