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i'm gettign sick and tired of this crap

Posted by Henry BabyOxide Ha 
i'm gettign sick and tired of this crap
December 18, 2013 11:47PM
ma sucks, every vu is an epic fail, the VUs sucks, and only implement PROBLEMS after problem.
lbml acting up.. and refuses to work properly, whats the point of using this lbml when it doesn't show the "claims" anymore , it does it one day, and then after u reboot your computer , it stops working, then u fidget around until it suddenly shows, and then when it crashes, it stops showing again .. SRSLY -.-"

I have a lot of patience, but this is just plain nonsense.. I dun get WHY jimi make me use this stupid program, at first it works great, then like MA, after every update it just gets worse..

and now after typing this topic. IT STARTS working again.. I spent 1 hour restarting the damn program and it didn't work each bloody freaking time.. YOU KNOW HOW FUCKING ANNOYING THAT IS ?

18/12/2013 3:13:46 PM <------------------------ time of first occurrence
App version:
Error Message: 302

System.FormatException: Invalid character in a Base-64 string.
at System.Convert.FromBase64String(String s)
at (String , String )

18/12/2013 4:15:21 PM
App version:
Error Message: 302

System.FormatException: Invalid character in a Base-64 string.
at System.Convert.FromBase64String(String s)
at (String , String )
18/12/2013 4:15:59 PM
App version:
Error Message: 302

System.FormatException: Invalid character in a Base-64 string.
at System.Convert.FromBase64String(String s)
at (String , String )
18/12/2013 4:17:02 PM
App version:
Error Message: 302

System.FormatException: Invalid character in a Base-64 string.
at System.Convert.FromBase64String(String s)
at (String , String )
18/12/2013 4:17:40 PM
App version:
Error Message: 302

System.FormatException: Invalid character in a Base-64 string.
at System.Convert.FromBase64String(String s)
at (String , String )

18/12/2013 4:37:34 PM <------------------------ time it finally worked properly

App version:
Error Message: 302

System.FormatException: Invalid character in a Base-64 string.
at System.Convert.FromBase64String(String s)
at (String , String )

in case u want to see the config file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<appSettings file="">
<clear />
<add key="nokeybinds" value="1" />
<add key="KeyBind_DropOre" value="F11" />
<add key="KeyBind_DropEnm" value="F12" />
<add key="KeyBind_DropTre" value="F9" />
<add key="KeyBind_ReadClaim" value="PrintScreen" />
<add key="KeyBind_Undo" value="F10" />
<add key="KeyBind_Deplete" value="Scroll" />
<add key="Login_UserName" value="" />
<add key="Login_Password" value="" />
<add key="Login_AutoLog" value="1" />
<add key="Auto_Position" value="1" />
<add key="Auto_Drops" value="1" />
<add key="Auto_Claims" value="1" />
<add key="Window_Position_Main" value="0|772|301|237|Normal|Show" />
<add key="Window_Position_Map" value="-5|515|256|256|Normal|Show" />
<add key="Window_Position_Filters" value="406|174|197|520|Normal|Hide" />
<add key="Window_Position_Runs" value="0|0|264|377|Normal|Hide" />
<add key="Window_Position_Stats" value="0|0|587|390|Normal|Hide" />
<add key="Window_Position_Settings" value="100|100|335|305|Normal|Hide" />
<add key="Update_Auto" value="0" />
<add key="Entropia_SettingsCePath" value="" />
<add key="Player_OreRadius" value="22.00" />
<add key="Player_EnmRadius" value="22.00" />
<add key="Player_TreRadius" value="22.00" />
<add key="Player_OreCost" value="101.501" />
<add key="Player_EnmCost" value="51.501" />
<add key="Player_TreCost" value="151.501" />
<add key="ET_FeedGlobals" value="0" />
<add key="ET_UserName" value="" />
<add key="ET_ApiKey" value="" />
<add key="Map_UseDateFilterForClaims" value="0" />
<add key="Map_UseDateFilterForDrops" value="0" />
<add key="Map_UseDateFilterFrom" value="2011/01/01" />
<add key="Map_UseDateFilterTill" value="2020/01/01" />
<add key="Map_UseDepthFilter" value="0" />
<add key="Map_UseDepthFilterFrom" value="0" />
<add key="Map_UseDepthFilterTill" value="10000" />
<add key="Map_UseCoordFilterForClaims" value="0" />
<add key="Map_UseCoordFilterForDrops" value="0" />
<add key="Map_UseCoordFilterX1" value="" />
<add key="Map_UseCoordFilterX2" value="" />
<add key="Map_UseCoordFilterY1" value="" />
<add key="Map_UseCoordFilterY2" value="" />
<add key="Map_ShowOnlyMyClaims" value="0" />
<add key="Map_FollowOnP" value="1" />
<add key="Map_ZoomOnP" value="1" />
<add key="Map_ZoomOnPLevel" value="16" />
<add key="Map_ZoomAnimation" value="1" />
<add key="Map_AlwaysOnTop" value="0" />
<add key="Map_ZoomSpeed" value="0.8" />
<add key="Map_ShowClaimTimers" value="1" />
<add key="Voice_Enable" value="1" />
<add key="Drops_UseLastXHours" value="1" />
<add key="Drops_LastXHoursValue" value="6" />
<add key="Drops_ShowOre" value="1" />
<add key="Drops_ShowEnm" value="1" />
<add key="Drops_ShowTre" value="1" />
<add key="Image_ErrorFolder" value="Errors\" />
<add key="Image_SuccessFolder" value="Screenshots\" />
<add key="Image_JpegQuality" value="80" />
<add key="Screenshot_Enable" value="1" />
<add key="Screenshot_AutoDelay" value="500" />
<add key="Screenshot_IsPng" value="0" />
<add key="Screenshot_JpegQuality" value="80" />
<add key="Calypso_File" value="Maps\calypso_map.bmp" />
<add key="NextIsland_File" value="Maps\nextisland_map.bmp" />
<add key="Asteroid_File" value="Maps\asteroid_map.bmp" />
<add key="Rocktropia_File" value="Maps\rocktropia_map.bmp" />
<add key="Hell_File" value="Maps\hell_map.bmp" />
<add key="Arkadia_File" value="Maps\arkadia_map.bmp" />
<add key="Cyrene_File" value="Maps\cyrene_map.bmp" />
<add key="Monria_File" value="Maps\monria_map.bmp" />
<add key="Calypso_LeftOffset" value="16384" />
<add key="Calypso_BottomOffset" value="24576" />
<add key="Asteroid_LeftOffset" value="65536" />
<add key="Asteroid_BottomOffset" value="65536" />
<add key="Rocktropia_LeftOffset" value="122880" />
<add key="Rocktropia_BottomOffset" value="81920" />
<add key="NextIsland_LeftOffset" value="122880" />
<add key="NextIsland_BottomOffset" value="81920" />
<add key="Hell_LeftOffset" value="32768" />
<add key="Hell_BottomOffset" value="16384" />
<add key="Arkadia_LeftOffset" value="8192" />
<add key="Arkadia_BottomOffset" value="8192" />
<add key="Cyrene_LeftOffset" value="122880" />
<add key="Cyrene_BottomOffset" value="73728" />
<add key="Monria_LeftOffset" value="32768" />
<add key="Monria_BottomOffset" value="16384" />
<add key="PlayerColor_Ore1" value="ForestGreen" />
<add key="PlayerColor_Ore2" value="Lime" />
<add key="PlayerColor_Enm1" value="Cyan" />
<add key="PlayerColor_Enm2" value="DodgerBlue" />
<add key="PlayerColor_Tre1" value="Pink" />
<add key="PlayerColor_Tre2" value="HotPink" />
<add key="DropColor_Ore1" value="ForestGreen" />
<add key="DropColor_Ore2" value="Lime" />
<add key="DropColor_Enm1" value="DodgerBlue" />
<add key="DropColor_Enm2" value="Cyan" />
<add key="DropColor_Tre1" value="Pink" />
<add key="DropColor_Tre2" value="HotPink" />
<add key="Color_0" value="#424242" />
<add key="Color_1" value="210, 210, 0" />
<add key="Color_2" value="PaleGreen" />
<add key="Color_3" value="Firebrick" />
<add key="Color_4" value="PaleGreen" />
<add key="Color_5" value="SlateBlue" />
<add key="Color_6" value="DarkOliveGreen" />
<add key="Color_7" value="LightSteelBlue" />
<add key="Color_8" value="SandyBrown" />
<add key="Color_9" value="Olive" />
<add key="Color_10" value="PowderBlue" />
<add key="Color_11" value="Beige" />
<add key="Color_12" value="MediumAquamarine" />
<add key="Color_13" value="RosyBrown" />
<add key="Color_14" value="WhiteSmoke" />
<add key="Color_15" value="LightSalmon" />
<add key="Color_16" value="Goldenrod" />
<add key="Color_17" value="Yellow" />
<add key="Color_18" value="OliveDrab" />
<add key="Color_19" value="DarkKhaki" />
<add key="Color_20" value="PaleTurquoise" />
<add key="Color_21" value="Khaki" />
<add key="Color_22" value="DarkGray" />
<add key="Color_23" value="LightCyan" />
<add key="Color_24" value="LightSkyBlue" />
<add key="Color_25" value="Cyan" />
<add key="Color_26" value="IndianRed" />
<add key="Color_27" value="White" />
<add key="Color_28" value="LightCoral" />
<add key="Color_29" value="CornflowerBlue" />
<add key="Color_30" value="MediumSeaGreen" />
<add key="Color_31" value="YellowGreen" />
<add key="Color_32" value="Red" />
<add key="Color_33" value="DarkViolet" />
<add key="Color_34" value="AliceBlue" />
<add key="Color_35" value="PaleGoldenrod" />
<add key="Color_36" value="255, 255, 192" />
<add key="Color_37" value="Crimson" />
<add key="Color_38" value="MediumAquamarine" />
<add key="Color_39" value="Chocolate" />
<add key="Color_40" value="DarkSlateGray" />
<add key="Color_41" value="DarkOrange" />
<add key="Color_42" value="250, 250, 90" />
<add key="Color_43" value="255, 128, 128" />
<add key="Color_44" value="Lime" />
<add key="Color_45" value="SkyBlue" />
<add key="Color_46" value="GreenYellow" />
<add key="Color_47" value="Peru" />
<add key="Color_48" value="LightGray" />
<add key="Color_49" value="MediumPurple" />
<add key="Color_50" value="BlueViolet" />
<add key="Color_51" value="DeepSkyBlue" />
<add key="Color_52" value="ForestGreen" />
<add key="Color_53" value="210, 255, 140" />
<add key="Color_54" value="170, 25, 55" />
<add key="Color_55" value="80, 190, 80" />
<add key="Color_56" value="MistyRose" />
<add key="Color_57" value="HotPink" />
<add key="Color_58" value="255, 225, 0" />
<add key="Color_59" value="0, 150, 170" />
<add key="Color_60" value="PaleVioletRed" />
<add key="Color_61" value="255, 100, 50" />
<add key="Color_62" value="Violet" />
<add key="Color_63" value="OrangeRed" />
<add key="Color_64" value="SteelBlue" />
<add key="Color_65" value="PapayaWhip" />
<add key="Color_66" value="MediumOrchid" />
<add key="Color_67" value="DodgerBlue" />
<add key="Color_68" value="SpringGreen" />
<add key="Color_69" value="RoyalBlue" />
<add key="Color_70" value="Crimson" />
<add key="Color_71" value="MediumSlateBlue" />
<add key="Color_72" value="SeaGreen" />
<add key="Color_73" value="Plum" />
<add key="Color_74" value="Silver" />
<add key="Color_75" value="LightSkyBlue" />
<add key="Color_76" value="DarkSeaGreen" />
<add key="Color_77" value="Lavender" />
<add key="Color_78" value="LimeGreen" />
<add key="Color_79" value="DarkGray" />
<add key="Color_80" value="Thistle" />
<add key="Color_81" value="MediumSeaGreen" />
<add key="Color_82" value="LightYellow" />
<add key="Color_83" value="WhiteSmoke" />
<add key="Color_84" value="DarkOrchid" />
<add key="Color_85" value="DarkOrange" />
<add key="Color_86" value="DodgerBlue" />
<add key="Color_87" value="LimeGreen" />
<add key="Color_88" value="YellowGreen" />
<add key="Color_89" value="RosyBrown" />
<add key="Color_90" value="BurlyWood" />
<add key="Color_91" value="CornflowerBlue" />
<add key="Color_92" value="OliveDrab" />
<add key="Color_93" value="MediumPurple" />
<add key="Color_94" value="#aaaa55" />
<add key="Color_95" value="#ca853b" />
<add key="Color_96" value="#1b65b7" />
<add key="Color_97" value="#f1c119" />
<add key="Color_98" value="#dff119" />
<add key="Color_99" value="#669b55" />
<add key="Color_100" value="#ffb922" />
<add key="Color_101" value="#685e48" />
<add key="Color_102" value="#4bdda8" />
<add key="Color_103" value="#ffd789" />
<add key="Color_104" value="#75c6c5" />
<add key="Color_105" value="#477bb0" />
<add key="Color_106" value="#bd9237" />
<add key="Color_107" value="#67c7cd" />
<add key="Color_108" value="#624add" />
<add key="Color_109" value="#974b64" />
<add key="Color_110" value="#a6011c" />
<add key="Color_111" value="#aad1b8" />
<add key="Color_112" value="#993b3b" />
<add key="Color_113" value="#5c5fd0" />
Re: i'm gettign sick and tired of this crap
December 18, 2013 11:50PM
note I also remove the auto save password and delete nearly 200 of thsese stupid error logs
Re: i'm gettign sick and tired of this crap
December 19, 2013 12:26AM
Henry BabyOxide Ha

With your attitude i dont even feel like spending the time to help you solve your issue .. maybe you should try to update the 9.3.3 zip manually and then the 9.3.4

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/19/2013 12:28AM by Ido.
Re: i'm gettign sick and tired of this crap
December 19, 2013 12:22PM
i'm really sorry, i'm just frustrated,,
as u can see I spent nearly 2 hours trying to get this working atleast 30 minutes each time before
at one point before 934 I got so frustrated I could not bother to fix 933 or 932,,, as they weren't working, not even p was working then, I kept using 931 or 930 until 934 came out, I had no choice,

on top off all the retarded VUs that ma dished out, 6 months ago .. everything was great, no d/cs no crashes. even if there was any, it was tolerable, but now ,, I always have at least 1 video crash per session, at least the disconnection problem is "kinda" solved now, ma instructed me to use 1 thread count and 56k as connection details ,
heres the funny part, my aussie computer and internet is much faster then my sg computer, and my aussie has to use 1 thread count and 56k ?!?! while I can use t1 and 12 thread count on sg pc... its bull shyt.. doens't make sense at all.

I did update manually...
step by step, after it automatically downloaded
I end task associated programs

copied the files and overwrite it again
making sure protect32 64 and remote are are actually written over, it didn't before..
after that I updated to 934
and added the monria map

I have 392 claims .. showing,
after I start it up. it gives me that 302 error

I did a P in game it a new error pops up I think its that 813 or 832 error can't remember
I reallise this is bcos the db is still syncing

so I end task (the fastest way)
delete *.lbml
run it
wait for db sync and the sentence press p to set pos

after that's comes up I hit p
it zooms to my location, but it doens;t show the previous claims (my settings are correct i'm not talking about the circle shades, when dropping, i'm talking about the colorful ones that show what u hd gotten befre)

so I shut it down again, delete that file again (if I do not delete, it keeps coming up with errors, about size not being right or something)

after 2 hour of figidtting I finally found the correct method , I think to launch the program

1)end task lbml (if it running)
2)delete *.lbml (if any error occure, apparently 302 is always there anyway when first starting and shuttinf down the program)
3) launch lbml
4) wait for sync
5) press P ,
6) if no spots,
7) shutdown via file
8) wait 1 minutes
9) re launch
repeat steps 4 thru 9 until u see spots
at this point it does not appear to have errors UNLESS u p while sync
when that happens u have to delete lbml again

my last count took 2 tries to get it to work without deleting lbml

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/19/2013 12:39PM by Henry BabyOxide Ha.
Re: i'm gettign sick and tired of this crap
December 19, 2013 12:32PM
I do not use the auto pos with radar, as it seems to me it updates slower then pressing p and the positions are not perfectly adjusted
plus I already got into the habit of spamming the chat with position, mouse button 5 makes it too easy

it also makes the radar looks too big for my liking , and apparently in each new area you'd still have to press p at least once,

my guess is if this is turn on it would probably affect the db syncing as well
Re: i'm gettign sick and tired of this crap
December 20, 2013 08:20AM
db sync runs in a separate thread and pressing P should not affect it.

Does it hang indefinitely ?

If you get a 302 exception then it actually might require a restart .. 302 happens when something wrong happens during communication with the server .. so it might cause a process like synchronizing the database to fail..

im curious why your having problems in communicating with the server tho ... seems strange

Re: i'm gettign sick and tired of this crap
December 24, 2013 11:49PM
db sync runs in a separate thread and pressing P should not affect it.

Does it hang indefinitely ?

If you get a 302 exception then it actually might require a restart .. 302 happens when something wrong happens during communication with the server .. so it might cause a process like synchronizing the database to fail..

im curious why your having problems in communicating with the server tho ... seems strange

yes when the error thing jumps up it stops responsing indefinitely until I end task or close program
which it just did,
now i'm restarted more then 6 times without deleting the db, it wont read claims , but it will detect drops

it came up with a new error after it was running for 2 days I think

24/12/2013 4:23:00 PM
App version:
Error Message: 817

Error in the application.
-2005530516 (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)
at Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.VertexBuffer.CreateObject(IDirect3DVertexBuffer9* lp, Type typeVertexType, Int32 iNumVerts, Device device, Usage usage, VertexFormats vertexFormat, Pool pool, Boolean createNewObject, Boolean firstCreate)
at Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.VertexBuffer..ctor(Type typeVertexType, Int32 numVerts, Device device, Usage usage, VertexFormats vertexFormat, Pool pool)
at ( )

i'm guessing iexplore drained all the memory ... , after I shut down a flash game and restart I explore this problem disappeared
but when I restart the profram I get that 302 error again

24/12/2013 4:13:55 PM
App version:
Error Message: 300

System.Net.WebException: The remote name could not be resolved: 'www.mininglog.com'
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(TransportContext& context)
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
at (Byte[] , Byte[] )

24/12/2013 4:14:51 PM
App version:
Error Message: 306

System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at (String )
24/12/2013 4:20:34 PM
App version:
Error Message: 503

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at ( , Object , EventArgs )
at .(Object , EventArgs )
at ( , EventArgs )
at .(EventArgs )
at ( , Int32 )
at .(Int32 )
at (  , Int32 )

24/12/2013 4:20:42 PM
App version:
Error Message: 818

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException()
at ( )
at .()
at ( , PaintEventArgs )

lots of 818 after i restarted the lbml

my current steps as follows
1) error occurs,
2) restart lbml
3) errors keeps popping up, 818 , 503, (above are the one of many instances)
4) closed iexplore - was running flash game)
5) restart lbml - loads fine, waiting db,
6) press p - mark location
7) wont read claim
8) close lbml
9) restarts lbml
repeats 5 to 9 a few times
P work fine but still wont read claims ,
10) close lbml
11) delete db
12) restart for the firs time after deleting
13) still not reading claims
14) restart lbml
15) waiting db sync for second time after delete
16) press P
17) error window pops up with no msg displayed .. disappears after a few seconds///
18) still wont read claim

i'm lost now .. my method stopped working again . so now i have to figure out whats wrong
Re: i'm gettign sick and tired of this crap
December 24, 2013 11:53PM
1) deleted db again
2) restarts,. re-sync, waiting ....
3) press p, zoomed in
4) drop bomb , will detect drop, will not read claim .. lyst ....
- also it doesn't seem to read long island ice tea ... in other times, when it is working find, it reads lyst but not ice tea

i'm stump now ..
I've also restarted EU client

the lbml takes about 30 seconds to load up the first screen after running the executable..
after that it shows synchro db

i have since made 3 finds with lyst
on rocktropia
but it wont read the claims ...

i restarted lbml again , this time pressing p during the sync, error window pop up with no msg, but not responsding...
if i ignore it the p continues to work, but i have yet to test a claim
however, previous claims in the area.. does not show up..

lost count ,, but it worked again
still haven't tested claims
but i supposed it might work bcos i see previous claims now

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 12/25/2013 12:31AM by Henry BabyOxide Ha.
Re: i'm gettign sick and tired of this crap
December 28, 2013 01:49PM
when it works .. it works ... but once I crashes or shutdowns ,,, it very hard to get it to work.. =(
6 restarts and counting ...

lost count but sitl doesn't work

here what I found out

it doesn't load previous claims except unknowns
unknowns will detect and be read by the scan but others will not
when it restarts and loads up,
unknowns are there, the previous finds/claims are not
the file lbml has been deleted in some instance (so this file I reckon stores only drops info not claims ...

if as before it load the previous claims, then everything works fine
the error log window will popup in some cases, but is not responding, doesn't not show any message, but error text file is created anyway, error 302... 813
the box then disappears after awhile,
so far in all cases, p works, drops works, simply wont read claims but will read unknowns

almost 1 hour of restarts
still no help
unknowns continue to get read but normal claims wont even be touched...

u mentioned 302 is not communicating with the server
so apparently its not loading a specific list of ores ?
bcos only unknowns are recorded .. ?

are there any fix like, could u add a button to rehash with the server when the msg occurs without having to reload the

could u also add a screen.update after opening the error msg window, and during each error occurrence, if u haven't already ?

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/28/2013 03:02PM by Henry BabyOxide Ha.
Re: i'm gettign sick and tired of this crap
December 28, 2013 09:59PM
i'm getting close to solving the problem ...

SOLVED !!! for now ...

I restarted god know how many times.. doesn't work
I must have edited something in the config file...
sooo according to jimi I should re-installed it from scratch

which I did

I updated it to the lastest version and added the monria map
worked like a charm... until I exit and come back it stop working again . not stop working persay but rather my prvious claims again no longer shows up - and when tested before .. this mean it wont read new claims that are not unknown...

so what am I doing wrong ?
first install is always okay
so I made a copy of the first install files and each time I deleted the entire folder and copied from the updated new unused version -folder

everytime the re-pasted copy worked

so I began setting my settings 1 by 1
and then it works every first time but after I exit.. and reload it stops displaying again..

then I realized... each time I enter my login details .. it works

so I went to my recycle bin
took out my older copy
this time run it.. - it as usual doesn't work
I log out instead of exit...
and log back in ...
BINGO... worked ..

I tested specifically the remember login details
each time it auto-logins , it doesn't work,
but each time I manually log in .. it works ...

may that should give u and idea of what to fix, bcos I have seriously no idea..

took me 8 hours with rest in between ...

at the time of this report, I tested it 3 times . with manually log in ..
work like a charm so far
I still get the error 302 and 816 in the error folder, no pop up error window, i'm guessing its created when I exit the program,
but doesn't seem to affect me for now ..
everything else seems to work fine

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/28/2013 10:30PM by Henry BabyOxide Ha.