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App not holding any changes made in the setup

App not holding any changes made in the setup
March 07, 2021 04:35PM
Hi, After last update LBML not holding any setup made before turning it off. I log off from the app and now everytime I turn it on I need to log back in even when I thick option to store my longin and pass. Same with for example sounds of claims( size, name ect) turning it off and after re-launching app they are turn on back again
Re: App not holding any changes made in the setup
March 29, 2021 05:40AM
it should work fine .. must be something in either your install or access rights to the file.

Re: App not holding any changes made in the setup
March 29, 2021 08:39PM
Piggybacking on Ido's comment, double check that the LBML folder is whitelisted on your antivirus. This has caused some similar problems in the past. With Avast at least, LBML would lose write access to your hard drive and couldn't record images, etc. This does sound somewhat similar.