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Search Area Coverage

Posted by UNKNOWN6984 
Search Area Coverage
April 13, 2015 03:12AM
Hey there Ido!

I was just wondering,
what does the "Search Area coverage" means when you find a claim?

/kind regards of a vivid follower, Seb.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/13/2015 03:13AM by UNKNOWN6984.
Re: Search Area Coverage
April 13, 2015 05:32AM
takes the circle with the radius from the drop spot to the claim and shows you how much area of the circle with the full search radius it takes..

Its intended to help you decide if you want to double bomb or not.


Re: Search Area Coverage
April 13, 2015 02:43PM
Hey again Ido!

Thanks for replying,

Yeah I thought it had something to do with that.
The more % it searches,
the more area have been covered?

Kind regards, Seb. thumbs up